Saturday, November 21, 2009

Week Four! (trying to keep it clean- grody things ahead though!)

Here I am, one month in. Given last week's injury I was afraid for a while this was all for not, and I was going to sink back onto my couch and return to the land of too many doritos, but I seem to be OK.

Started doing lots of calf stretching- read online that a lot of achilles tendon aches aren't the tendon at all, but the calf, which makes much sense since the injury I had earlier this year WAS MY CALF (duh Dan...). After copious amounts of various calf stretches, I ran and found the pain in my heel went away after about half a mile. Weird huh? Run more, hurt less. I know, I'm shocked too. Been that way all week though, I get my calf good and loose and warm, the heel feels fine, and even when it does hurt, it's a mild ache rather than the limpy 'ouch' producer it was last week.

Got to do my Wednesday four miler along the Courtney Campbell Causeway across old Tampa Bay. Did it just so the sun was coming up as I finished. Running right along the quiet water. Thought I was being stalked by an alligator, but in fact it was a whole population of feral cats living in the bushes along the water on the north side. One ran alongside we for a while, but I don't think was enjoying a jog as much as fleeing in terror from the bald stomping menace. Here's some pics, sorry the first one's blurry (I was running!)

Came back to Arizona that day, so my Thursday three miler was at an elevation about 5000 feet higher than my Wednesday four miler. Yes. I noticed. Very much.

Then Saturday was a new long run, and again further than I had ever run before. Did nine miles, broken into an out and back around Buffalo Soldier Trail and the Sierra Vista Mall. Took my body a while to get into it, and even at the turn around, I was not convinced this was a good idea. Learned some valuable lessons about running that long:

1) Urinate first. Hit me about mile three. Felt my bladder slosh like my camelback for a while. Then, oddly, by the time I got home, I didn't have to any more... (lesson 1.5- drink more water).

2) They aren't lying when they say wear something over your nipples. Tingly (relax BTW- first of all, that's not me; no metal hanging from my chest, and second, it's a dude. Though, I've always wondered why male nipples were OK and Female nipples weren't. At least a woman's nipples have practical application- mine just rub my shirt when I run. End of nipple tangent).

3) It doesn't matter if it is a clearly labeled multi-use path with signs telling you to pick up your dogs' droppings, someone won't. Only one fleet of foot spry twist kept me from befouling my Nike Free Everyday 2s this morning. Luckily I was not incoherent at the time. I love dogs, I loved my dog- I always picked up her poo when we were out.

It'd be nice to have a dog to run with. I'd pick up poo...

Next week: TEN MILER!

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