Friday, March 5, 2010

So Dan, how's the running going?

Oh, I hear it in your voice- “I bet Dan's all done with running now that he did that marathon. The dream is over, the goal is reached, he's kicked back on the couch eating Cheetos...”


Actually, the running is going great. I did take about a week and a half to slow down and recover, but then, and believe me I am surprised as well, I was right back out there. Still doing about twenty miles a week actually, though I am a lot more laid back about it. Which is great.

I've run in Vibrams: Here's the first report- did you know sidewalk is harder than pavement? Did about a mile in the Vibrams with Eightball, and was sore for days! Felt like I had worked my calves hard at the gym, and the feet felt a lot of impact. However, later on (and more on that story soon) I ran on an asphalt path in them, and nowhere near the impact pain. Now I know why runners will run on the shoulder instead of the sidewalk. I suppose it's simple density. So you know; if I referred to Vibrams as a transitional shoe before, I WAS WRONG! They are barefoot running with slightly less stickers. Keep that in mind. If you are working towards proper mid-foot strike or even barefoot running, get used to your Nike Frees first, and do some field barefoot running first. Then, look for asphalt!

I've run with the dog: Doing a lot more running with Eightball, which is a lot of fun. It helps him calm down during the day as well, which is good for Jen, but it's neat to watch him trot along as well. He's even learned he can only poop on dirt and not on the path.

I've run with Jennifer: I am VERY excited to report that Jennifer, who was an avid walker and step aerobic adherent, has decided to try out a little running herself. New Nike Frees and away she goes. This last week, we went out together and it's perfect- I run in my Vibrams. So, as she's learning to run, I am too because when I am barefoot, we're at about the same level. We do a good run-walk. I hope she enjoyed it as much as I did, and I am looking forward to more in the future.

So, true believers, there you have it. I am not off the path yet, and indeed still really enjoying it. Looking at a 10K at the end of this month, trying to find a half marathon later this year, and probably gonna try the Lost Dutchman again next year. If you've been thinking about running more, do it. Remember:

-The first step is the hardest.
-Run at your own pace and distance.
-If you're not enjoying it, you're doing it wrong.
-Run for no one but yourself.

Hopefully you will hear from me again soon, and we'll see what other shenanigans running has delivered unto me!