Thursday, December 23, 2010

Running a Marathon is like having a baby.

You ever talk to a mother? Of course you have, but talk to one about having babies. In particular those who actually managed to have a second one. Despite the agony of the first, somehow they still manage to come around and drop another one of the little buggers. It's like the pain from the first time just becomes a fuzzy memory; they remember that it DID hurt, but don't remember what the pain was like. I have often thought this was a defense mechanism built in by God or Darwin to ensure we keep having babies.

I realize that marathons are about the same way. When I think of training for the last marathon, all I think about is how accomplished I felt, and how good it was to run. Right now, as I am training up for #2, it hurts! "It wasn't this bad last time!" screams the voice in my head.

Frankly, he's full of it. I just went back on this very blog to see how I was feeling around Christmas last year. Read this tale of woe!

Now, I remember writing that, and finding the evil Santa pic, but I don't remember the pain! I should actually be rather happy; despite the fact that I did bonk on a 13 miler a couple of weeks ago, I am feeling much better now than I describe this time last year (and to be fair, I think I was coming down with something the morning I bonked), and am even a couple weeks ahead schedule-wise of where I was, so I won't have to cut the Higdon schedule short this time. I did 15 miles last Saturday, and am looking forward to a 16 miler this Christmas Eve. God bless us, every one.

So, I am doubly glad I started this blog. Not only do I get to share my experience with you, I get to remind myself that taking charge of your body isn't always pretty.

But I can look forward to forgetting this pain too!