This blog has been quiet because I have not been running nearly enough. Between school, work, and... well, school and work mostly, I have not been out on the pavement nearly enough. Then of course there was the sinus infection, and that led to, and I kid you not, SNEEZING A RIB OUT OF JOINT. I didn't even know that was possible, but sure enough it is. In case you are wondering, it hurts like hell.
I tell you this though: I am coming back. I am down to one class until I finish my Masters, and I have now run regularly for two weeks, including one of my fastest 10Ks last Saturday. You all know though, I am not in it for speed, I just want to run.
So, not much of an update here. I don't have an event in mind for which I am training (though I should choose something). I don't know that I will have any great epiphany about running that I didn't have before. But watch this space. The Running Dan is back, Eightball often at my side, the Bonk's clown shoes clomping behind but never catching up. It's time to run again.
Who's with me?